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Since 1972, Groupe Chakour operates throughout the Algerian territory by offering a global logistics solution.

Our group based in Mostaganem works with the aim of developing the best logistics solutions to satisfy the needs expressed by our partners, by putting at their service our expertise and know-how.

This expertise in transport and lifting allow us to conduct logistical operations, from the simplest to the most complex.

By choosing Groupe Chakour to assist you in the realization of your projects, you make the choice of a strategic partner and major actor in logistics in Algeria.

Key figures

280 tons

 The heaviest cargo transported

7 meters

 The widest cargo transported

 48 meters

The longest cargo transported

7.50 meters

The highest cargo transported  

Our group puts at your service a complete fleet of powerful and specific trucks, as well as a large range of special, extendable, modular trailers and a fleet of flat bed.
We are equipped with a wide range of mobile and crawler cranes with a lifting capacity up to 500 tons.
  • Trucks

    45 Trucks
    (6X6 – 6X4 – 4X2)
    Capacity from 20T to 500T.

  • Trailers

    Extendable trailer up to 48 meters
    Modular trailer 350T

  • Cranes

    Mobile and crawler cranes from 20T to 500T
    Skidding system 8 x 100 tons

  • Respect of deadlines

    Reactivity, and punctuality are the commitments honored on a daily basis by our teams to meet the deadlines. We understand your imperatives!

  • security

    Security protocol evaluating and preventing specific risks related to logistics operations.

  • GPS System

    We ensure the safety and traceability of your products. Thanks to our geolocation system, you can always know the position of your goods.

  • Goods insurance

    All the goods that we carry are covered by an insurance guaranteeing the value of the products entrusted by our partners..

  • Versatility

    We master all aspects of logistics, allowing us to handle the simplest to the most complex requests, from pick-up to final destination.

  • Expertise

    Our expertise and know-how allow us to guarantee to our partners a quality and efficient service maintained since 1972.

  • Road Survey

    Study of the most suitable itinerary for your request and take charge of administrative procedures to obtain transport authorizations.

  • All the Algerian territory

    Thanks to our fleet and our network of expert partners, we respond to requests from all over the country.


Route des sablettes, BP 03 Mazagran 27120
Mostaganem Algeria
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